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The Challenges

Water quality is one of the main challenges that societies will face during the 21st century.
Water Utilities, in the midst of climate change, face major challenges:
• They have to supply sufficient, high-quality water while preserving natural resources
• They need to reduce costs and non-revenue water, by minimizing energy consumption, performing preventive maintenance and repairing damages quickly.
• At the same time, they have to successfully face their customers’ expectations for quick response to unexpected water outages, flexible communication channels 24/7, meaningful insight in their consumption patterns and precise billing.
For any Water Utility, achieving all these seems to be a Herculean task, right?


By 2025, 1.8 billion people are expected to be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world population could be under water stress conditions according to UNESCO. [Source].

As for drinking water quality, today only 71% of the global population (5.2 billion people) use a safely managed drinking water service; that is, one located on premises, available when needed and free from contamination and 1 out of 3 of these people (1.9 billion people) live in rural areas [Source].


Simoultaneously, 80% of countries report insufficient financing to meet national WASH targets and over 50% of countries say that household tariffs are insufficient to recover operation and maintenance costs, leading to an increase in disrepair and service failure. [Source].

The Solution

At Nimbltech we tackle that challenge by providing Hydoor, our Water Resource Management platform. Hydoor has a holistic perspective for Drinking Water Distribution (DWD) Systems.

Hydoor supports Water Utilities to optimize their water operations and services. In other words, It provides Water Utilities with all the tools required to perform their day-to-day operations efficiently and/while at the same time offers high-quality water and relevant services to their customers/ the consumers.

It is designed to work alongside with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems to collect real-time data from DWD installations, but provide reports and insight in a simple user interface, that is easy to learn and use.

Available Hydoor applications include:


The Web Map Visualization software provides a unified, comprehensive view of the water distribution network and equipment on a digital map. It shows pumping and water intake points, as well as events, faults, notifications, and alerts related to the agency’s operations.

The Water Balance software application allows monitoring quantitative data on water production and consumption, increasing efficiency by detecting leaks, water theft, and other problems, thus preserving valuable water resources.

The Resource Optimizer software application minimizes electricity consumption for pumping the required amount of water to satisfy demand. By utilizing equipment operation data and determining the required water quantity, and specific parameters, the optimal operation mode of the equipment is automatically calculated, thereby reducing electricity consumption cost, a critical expense for the water utility.

The Hydraulic Network Simulation software application models and predict water flow and the operation of the hydraulic network. The solution to hydraulic issues is based on telemetry measurements, combined with the digital spatial data of the water distribution network.

The Water Quality Assurance software application aims to ensure the quality of water resources by allowing the water utility to monitor the measurements of critical water quality parameters, either automatically via specialized equipment or through laboratory water sample analysis.

The Equipment Maintenance software application enables integrated management of equipment failures and maintenance. The primary goal of the software is to automate the maintenance process of the entire water distribution network at regular intervals.

The Customer Service Portal aims to provide top-tier support to customers through an online service portal. They can view and pay their bills, submit and manage connection or disconnection requests to the water network, as well as for network fault repairs. Data from these requests are sent to the water utility for action management.

The software connects directly with SCADA systems to access all available data regarding the operation of the pumps. This information may include energy consumption or the electromechanical parameters of the pumping station.

The software can be integrated to billing software to utilize all available data regarding the bills, payments and water consumption measurements.

Hydoor is available as a cloud service, to let you avoid the hassle of installations, maintenance and updates, allowing you to focus on your core business.


Satisfy your customers

Make your consumers happier with valuable services and insights, while you promptly respond to their requests for repairs, through a single platform.

Pay as you go, save money

Only pay for the modules that fit your needs.

Reduce Expenses

Reduce your expenses thanks to energy optimization, avoid high up-front and maintenance costs of traditional information systems and increase your sustainability.

Reduce Damages

Reduce damage number and cost, utilizing instant alerts, providing faster repairs and planning for preventive maintenance.

Increase revenues

Increase your revenues and protect the environment, identifying and minimizing NRW.

Respond Promptly

Ensure fast response with instant alerts for outbound quality measurements, leakage and damages, as well as potential sabotage.

Use easily

Our clients describe the user interface as “friendly”, “easy-to-use” and “flexible.

Learn quickly

The web-based environment, with a clean and intuitive design, ensures a quick learning curve.

Comply to legislation

Comply to WIA indexes and methodology using water balance and quality measurements. Be instantly alerted on hazardous indicators to ensure a prompt response.

Improve the decision-making process

Have instant access on key information on events, assets and operations for decision making and quick response to critical incidents, easily, thanks to notifications, map visualization and chart reports.

Invest in the long-term

The software can integrate with other software platforms (CRM, billing, etc.) letting you expand your current operations.

Exploit the Cloud

Lower your investment risk with an all-inclusive service that fits your needs in a flexible, scalable, secure environment without the hassle of maintenance and upfront costs.

Request a Demo

Please submit the following information and we will make a demo of Hydoor available to you: